To read: Luke 12:13-34 Fear not little flock for it is your Father’s good pleasure. Luke 12:32.
How touching and deeply meaningful these words are Yahsuah, the Lord Jesus Christ is speaking to His disciples. Giving rest and freedom against struggle and trouble in daily life. They are called not to be worried about what they are to eat and how to dress. They ought not to be worried for they are not unprovided for. The lilies of the field and the fowls in the air in their beauty are showing the faithful Fatherly care.
The worldly distress torments the rich fool, who is collecting earthly treasures, but does not have the riches of Yahweh; he thought he was able the secure himself with all kinds worldly possessions for many years to come. While worrying about all these things one night he died… he didn’t make it to the next morning.
And in relation to the death of the fool, His disciples must focus on other matters. Matters that are most important for the eternal well being of the soul; matters are that incorruptible; matters of heavenly treasures that do not pass away. These matters are much more precious than all the worldly treasures put together.
These matters bring true peace and rest to the soul. Searching for the treasures of the Kingdom of Heaven must come first and foremost. Instead of looking for the ramshackle glitter of worldly things that are all temporary and will pass away in no time and often very sudden.
Those who will inherit the Kingdom of Heaven are aware that the heavenly Father knows the world’s misfortune and setbacks. That is the privilege that holds the promise in this life and brings the small flock on its way to the Kingdom of Heaven and it will not perish. It does not mean that the road will be easy and passable. On the contrary.
Who of the little flock wouldn’t be scared? Aren’t there many dangers, snares, and pitfalls and enemies lurking everywhere all the time and without fail? Isn’t the world full of deception, disasters and violence?
Who of the little flock wouldn’t be scared of being aware of its vulnerability? We are being a small number against the powerful darkness of these days? We, the little flock have all the reason to be scared.
But then, listen, oh listen, to the gentle Voice of eternal Love. “Fear not little flock” But the words are not an advice; they are a command from the great Shepherd to the sheep of His flock.

“Fear not!” In the middle of a thousand worries and a thousand deaths tormenting the heart. “Fear not!” In the middle of many trials and temptations disquieting the soul: “Fear not!” In the middle of darkness and the unknown gloominess in life: All because we the small flock are safe in following His Footsteps.
“Fear not!” the words that are a command, but they are also to whom they are addressed to. A small flock can never be big let alone a tiny flock. But isn’t this just the cause of the fear the flock being so small? Small in its self, small in power and small in number? In what way will she ever exist? How will she ever be? And it seems that the small flock is getting smaller and smaller as time goes by.
When there is nothing to fear, we can ask what the future will be of this little flock of Christ. It is good to think about this and to wonder in adoration about the answer. The answer is given by the Son Himself: “For it is your Father’s good pleasure!”
It is the Son Who is speaking. The Son Who came from the Father to suffer and die for our transgression to give His sheep eternal life. The Son Whose Hand the Good Pleasure is leading. The Son guarantees His sheep the Kingdom of Heaven ordained by His Father. His Father but also their Father, because of His Will. Oh, and listen the way Yahshuah Messiah Christ is saying the “Good Pleasure of your Father”. There are not enough words to interpret this deep mystery. Here is the mystery unlocked of which the angels proclaimed and of which alienated, but chosen people are brought back to the Royal Household. Here and now – under the scepter of King Yahshuah Messiah Jesus – and forever and ever.
Little flock of the Good Shepherd rejoice!!!