Article orginally posted by Aryan Nations
Re-posted by Jackie

In fact, it is no longer a question of, ‘Did Hebrews settle in Europe in ancient times?’ but only a question of, ‘How many of the people of Europe are of Hebrew descent?’ When considering the great numbers of early Israelites, and the Biblical promise of multitudinous seed (Gen. 26:4, 32:12; Ex. 32:13; Jer. 33:22, etc.), it is evident that the Hebrew-Celtic connection is very significant.
One last fascinating connection with ancient Israel is suggested by Sir John, who says, ‘the (Celtic) Kymry were for some time indifferently called Cambria or Cumbria, the Welsh word on which they are based being, as now written, Cymru… and is there pronounced nearly as an Englishman would treat it if spelled Kumry or KUMRI.’ As students of Old Testament history well know, ‘Kumri’ or ‘Khumri’ was the name of the Israelites in Assyrian texts. (see, ‘The March of Archaeology, by C.W Ceram, p. 216) The virtual identity in spelling and sound between the Israelite ‘Khumri’, and the Celtic ‘Kymry’, is too much of a coincidence to not have a relationship. Taken with the many other evidences, religious and cultural, the connection between the ancient Hebrews and Celts is too strong to be ignored.

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